“Stewardship is managing God’s blessings God’s ways for God’s glory.”
~ Dave Ramsey
Everything we have belongs to God and we have been given the opportunity to manage His property. Your children and family belong to Him, your gifts and talents belong to Him, your house, car, and money belong to Him.
We have a responsibility to manage His property the way He instructs us for His glory. There are several scriptures on giving, it is a biblical principle and it is not limited to our finances. When we practice giving God’s way it becomes a lifestyle. When we live with the spirit of giving, when we give the Lord our tithes and our offerings, when we give to those in need, when we give of our time, our love, our resources, we are sowing seeds that God will make grow and blossom into a rich harvest! Not only financial blessings, but in all aspects of life. He will make sure that we have everything we need to live and allow us to enjoy some of the things we want and desire.
But we do not give just to receive. The important thing is that we honor God in our giving. He is more concerned with the condition of our hearts as we give, rather than the quantity.
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Omega Christian Center
10853 Sharondale Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
Phone: (513) 984-1444
Email: info@omegachristiancenter.org